Agethen, PhilippNeher, ThomasGaisbauer, FelixManns, MartinRukzio, EnricoJain, Eakta and Kosinka, JirĂ­2018-04-142018-04-1420181017-4656 paper presents an approach that combines a hybrid A* path planner with a statistical motion graph to effectively generate a rich repertoire of walking trajectories. The motion graph is generated from a comprehensive database (20 000 steps) of captured human motion and covers a wide range of gait variants. The hybrid A* path planner can be regarded as an orchestrationinstance, stitching together succeeding left and right steps, which were drawn from the statistical motion model. Moreover, the hybrid A* planner ensures a collision-free path between a start and an end point. A preliminary evaluation underlines the evident benefits of the proposed algorithm.Computing methodologiesAnimationModel development and analysisMotion captureA Probabilistic Motion Planning Algorithm for Realistic Walk Path Simulation10.2312/egp.201810093-4