Eisemann, MartinMagnor, MarcusReinhard Koch and Andreas Kolb and Christof Rezk-Salama2014-02-012014-02-012010978-3-905673-79-1https://doi.org/10.2312/PE/VMV/VMV10/291-297In this paper, we propose a method for rendering highly detailed close-up views of arbitrary textured surfaces. Our hierarchical texture representation can easily be rendered in real-time, enabling zooming into specific texture regions to almost arbitrary magnification. To augment the texture map locally with high-resolution information, we describe how to automatically, seamlessly merge unregistered images of different scales. Our method is useful wherever close-up renderings of specific regions shall be provided, without the need for excessively large texture maps.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.3]: Picture/Image Generation-Computer Graphics [I.3.6]: Methodology and Techniques-Computer Graphics [I.3.7]: Three- Dimensional Graphics and Realism-Computer Graphics [I.4.3]: EnhancementZIPMAPS: Zoom-Into-Parts Texture Maps