Reyes-Cabrera, José JuanSantana-Núñez, José MiguelTrujillo-Pino, AgustínMaynar, ManuelRodriguez-Florido, Miguel AngelRenata G. RaidouBjörn SommerTorsten W. KuhlenMichael KroneThomas SchultzHsiang-Yun Wu2022-09-192022-09-192022978-3-03868-177-92070-5786 reality (VR) is a powerful tool for educational purposes. In this work, we present a VR application for learning anatomy, focusing on the cardiac system in this early stage. Our application proposes that medical students put together parts of the human anatomy and check their performance at this task. The system also features a shared-VR mode, in which two or more students can work together, or can even be joined by a medical professor. In this paper, we briefly describe our new approach to medicine teaching and show promising results for further development. In addition, we have tested our application with students at the Medical School, and we are confident that this application will improve their training.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Applied computing → Interactive learning environments; Human-centered computing → Visualization"Applied computing → Interactive learning environmentsHumancentered computing → Visualization"Learning Anatomy through Shared Virtual Reality10.2312/vcbm.2022118423-275 pages