Rakkolainen, IsmoTurk, MatthewHöllerer, TobiasDirk Reiners and Daisuke Iwai and Frank Steinicke2016-12-072016-12-072016978-3-03868-012-31727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20161433https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20161433We present a new optical design for head-mounted displays (HMD) that has an exceptionally wide field of view (FOV). It can cover even the full human FOV. It is based on seamless lenses and screens curved around the eyes. We constructed several compact and lightweight proof-of-concept prototypes of the optical design. One of them far exceeds the human FOV, although the anatomy of the human head limits the effective FOV. The presented optical design has advantages such as compactness, light weight, low cost and superwide FOV with high resolution. The prototypes are promising, and though this is still work-in-progress and display functionality is not yet implemented, it suggests a feasible way to significantly expand the FOV of HMDs.Categories and Subject DescriptorsHumancentered computing Virtual realityDisplays and imagersComputing methodologies Virtual realityHardware Displays and imagersA Superwide-FOV Optical Design for Head-Mounted Displays10.2312/egve.2016143345-48