Benamira, AlexisPattanaik, SumantRitschel, TobiasWeidlich, Andrea2023-06-272023-06-272023978-3-03868-229-5978-3-03868-228-81727-3463 appearance of materials results from a complex light-material interaction phenomenon. The modeling of fluorescent material for rendering has only been addressed through measurement or for simple diffuse reflections, thus limiting the range of possible representable appearances. In this work, we introduce and model a fluorescent nanoparticle called a Quantum Dot (QD) for rendering. Our modeling of the Quantum Dots serves as a foundation to support two physically based rendering applications. First a fluorescent volumetric scattering model and second, the definition of a fluorescent specular microfacet scattering model. For the latter, we model the Fresnel energy reflection coefficient of a QD coated microfacet assuming specular fluorescence, thus making our approach easily integrable with any microfacet reflection model.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Reflectance modelingComputing methodologiesReflectance modelingA Microfacet Model for Specular Fluorescent Surfaces and Fluorescent Volume Rendering using Quantum Dots10.2312/sr.2023112111-2313 pages