Pahr, DanielEhlers, HenryWu, Hsiang-YunWaldner, ManuelaRaidou, Renata GeorgiaAigner, WolfgangArchambault, DanielBujack, Roxana2024-05-212024-05-2120241467-8659 conducted a study to systematically investigate the communication of complex dynamic processes along a two-dimensional design space, where the axes represent a representation's manifestation (physical or virtual) and operation (manual or automatic).We exemplify the design space on a model embodying cardiovascular pathologies, represented by a mechanism where a liquid is pumped into a draining vessel, with complications illustrated through modifications to the model. The results of a mixed-methods lab study with 28 participants show that both physical manifestation and manual operation have a strong positive impact on the audience's engagement. The study does not show a measurable knowledge increase with respect to cardiovascular pathologies using manually operated physical representations. However, subjectively, participants report a better understanding of the process-mainly through non-visual cues like haptics, but also auditory cues. The study also indicates an increased task load when interacting with the process, which, however, seems to play a minor role for the participants. Overall, the study shows a clear potential of physicalization for the communication of complex dynamic processes, which only fully unfold if observers have to chance to interact with the process.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Human-centered computing→Visualization application domains; Empirical studies in visualizationHuman centered computing→Visualization application domainsEmpirical studies in visualizationInvestigating the Effect of Operation Mode and Manifestation on Physicalizations of Dynamic Processes10.1111/cgf.1510612 pages