Dias, FilipeFonseca, ManuelJorge, JoaquimMarcos, Adérito and Mendonça, Ana and Leitão, Miguel and Costa, António and Jorge, Joaquim2021-10-142021-10-142021978-3-03868-163-2https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.20031438https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt20031438The great functionality of today's CAD systems enables the manufacturing of very complex models. Yet, great part of this power is unusable, early in the design process. As well, we have found two different approaches in two different car designers that surprisingly lead to the same long time in development. In this paper we identify the reasons for these problems, and propose a solution that bridges the different worlds of conceptual and geometric models, using the affordability of the calligraphic interface. Creating a prototype by drawing it allows impossible situations to be immediately identified and corrected, without further communication overheads, certifying that emotional drawing ideas correspond to the designer's intents.Task AnalysisCAD systemsCalligraphic InterfacesTask Analysis and Scenario-Based Design of Calligraphic Interfaces10.2312/pt.20031438153-157