Stelter, DanielWilde, ThomasTheisel, HolgerLinsen, LarsThies, Justus2024-09-092024-09-092024978-3-03868-247-9 in flows is an important phenomenon of dynamical systems as it is linked to numerous further properties and behaviors. A formal definition of recirculation surfaces has been introduced in previous work. However, the extraction and visualization of such surfaces is a highly complex challenge as they are 2-manifolds in the 5D space. Although an approach for the geometry extraction exists, there are still several unsolved problems, mainly connected to the computational effort and surface reconstruction. In this work, we propose a fundamentally different idea: Instead of extracting an explicit geometry, we apply a direct ray tracing approach. This way, we effectively circumvent the challenge of reconstructing the geometry. Additionally, we implement multiple strategies for an efficient computation. Due to this, we are able to provide a visualization of recirculation surfaces in a fraction of the computation time of existing approaches.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseRay Tracing for Recirculation Surfaces10.2312/vmv.202412078 pages