Liu, Qiang QiangLi, QuanTang, Chun FengLin, Huan BinPeng, Zhen HuiLi, Zhi WeiChen, Tian JianByška, Jan and Jänicke, Stefan2020-05-242020-05-242020978-3-03868-105-2 management is one of the most important elements of personnel management. One type of compensation is traffic supplementary pay for the overtime employees. Conventional analysis of the traffic reimbursement focuses on the basic financial statistics such as the expenditure trends and rankings among different departments in the company. However, it largely ignores the wellbeing of the individuals and their residential distribution that can help improve the effectiveness of compensation strategies. In this work, we propose a visual analytics system based on a company's traffic reimbursement data for the overtime. It assists the compensation managers in understanding the overtime employees' commuting status and providing more indirect compensation benefits for the employees. A user case confirms the efficacy of our system and experts' feedback also suggests that our approach indeed helps them better tackle the problem of analyzing the car-hailing reimbursement data for the overtime.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseHuman centered computingVisualizationVisualization design and evaluation methodsVisual Analysis of Car-hailing Reimbursement Data for Overtime10.2312/eurp.2020111921-23