Pontonnier, CharlesDumont, GeorgesDuval, ThierryJerome Perret and Valter Basso and Francesco Ferrise and Kaj Helin and Vincent Lepetit and James Ritchie and Christoph Runde and Mascha van der Voort and Gabriel Zachmann2014-12-172014-12-172014978-3-905674-76-7https://doi.org/10.2312/eurovr.20141335This paper summarizes the developments realized as part of the VISIONAIR European Project in ergonomics applications based on virtual reality (VR). Thus, we first recall the context and the interest of the use of virtual reality for ergonomic purposes. Then the paper focuses on a study aimed at evaluating the ability of VR systems to properly mimic assembly tasks. A third part describes the framework we developed to involve in collaborative design sessions different actors of the design, i.e. the end user, design engineers and ergonomists. In conclusion, future works and developments are described.Management of Computing and Information Systems [K.6.1]Project and People ManagementLife Cycle The Computing Profession [K.7.m]MiscellaneousEthicsErgonomics and Virtual Reality: VISIONAIR Project Examples