Yagi, RyunosukeFujie, ToiAmemiya, TomohiroKitazaki, MichiteruYem, VibolIkei, YasushiKakehi, Yasuaki and Hiyama, Atsushi2019-09-112019-09-112019978-3-03868-097-01727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/egve.20191301https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egve20191301In the present paper, a method to present remote stereoscopic vision with decreased VR sickness is discussed. Our omnidirectional stereoscopic video streaming system (TwinCam) is described introducing the merit of the design. One of the important features is VR sickness reduction which we evaluated by assessing the simulator sickness questionnaire comparing it with conventional parallel cameras design. The result revealed that the TwinCam has significantly suppressed VR sickness from the conventional parallel cameras, at the same level of a fixed monocular camera.Humancentered computing → Human computer interaction (HCI) → Interaction paradigms → Virtual realityComputing methodologies → 3D imagingVR Sickness Reduction in Stereoscopic Video Streaming System 'TwinCam' for a Remote Experience10.2312/egve.2019130127-28