Larroque, VincentMaria, MaximeMérillou, StephaneMontes, MatthieuSingh, GurpritChu, Mengyu (Rachel)2023-05-032023-05-032023978-3-03868-211-01017-4656 system visualization is a difficult task even for experts as molecules can contain millions of atoms. Our goal is to create a tool to improve the preliminary study of molecules by automatically creating a tour of the interesting viewpoints around them. Since we noticed limited research specific to molecular visualization, we analyzed and adapted methods from the general field. Our preliminary study shows that our molecular tour is able to smoothly present key information automatically.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Perception; Human-centered computing -> Scientific visualizationComputing methodologiesPerceptionHuman centered computingScientific visualizationAutomatic Molecular Tour Creation: a Study10.2312/egp.202310247-82 pages