Guo, Jerry JinfengEisemann, ElmarZhang, Fang-Lue and Eisemann, Elmar and Singh, Karan2021-10-142021-10-1420211467-8659 integration is fundamental in multiple Monte Carlo rendering problems. We present a sample reweighting scheme, including underlying theory, and analysis of numerical performance for the integration of an unknown one-dimensional function. Our method is simple to implement and builds upon the insight to link the weights to a function reconstruction process during integration. We provide proof that our solution is unbiased in one-dimensional cases and consistent in multi-dimensional cases. We illustrate its effectiveness in several use cases.Computing methodologiesRay tracingKeywordsSampling and ReconstructionMonte Carlo IntegrationSample ReweightingRenderingGeometric Sample Reweighting for Monte Carlo Integration10.1111/cgf.14405109-119