Liu, XinguoBao, HujunHeng, PhengAnnWong, TienTsinPeng, Qunsheng2015-02-162015-02-1620011467-8659 this paper, we present a novel fairing algorithm for the removal of noise from uniform triangular meshes without shrinkage and serious distortion. The key feature of this algorithm is to keep all triangle centers invariant at each smoothing step by including some constraints in the energy minimization functional. The constrained functional is then minimized efficiently using an iterative method. Further, we apply this smoothing technique to a multiresolution representation to remove arbitrary levels of detail. A volume-preserving decimation algorithm is presented to generate the multiresolution representation. The experimental results demonstrate the combined algorithm's stability and efficiency.Constrained Fairing for Meshes10.1111/1467-8659.00483115-123