Engel, KlausHadwiger, MarkusKniss, Joe M.Rezk-Salama, ChristofNadia Magnenat-Thalmann and Katja Bühler2015-07-192015-07-192006https://doi.org/10.2312/egt.20061064This full-day tutorial covers high-quality real-time volume rendering techniques for consumer graphics hardware. In addition to the traditional field of scientific visualization, the interest in applying these techniques for visual arts and real-time rendering is steadily growing. This tutorial covers applications for science, visual arts and entertainment, such as medical visualization, visual effects and computer games. Participants will learn techniques for harnessing the power of consumer graphics hardware and high-level shading languages for real-time rendering of volumetric data and effects. Beginning with a short theoretical part, the basic texture-based approaches are explained. These basic algorithms are improved and expanded incrementally throughout the tutorial. Special attention is paid to latest developments in GPU ray casting. We will cover local and global illumination, scattering, and participating media. GPU optimization techniques are explained in detail, such as pre-integration, space leaping, occlusion queries, early ray termination and levelof- detail. We will show efficient techniques for clipping and voxelization, and for rendering implicit surfaces. Participants will learn to deal with large volume data, segmented volumes and to apply higher-order filtering, and non-photorealistic techniques to improve image quality. Further presentations cover multi-dimensional classification and transfer function design, as well as techniques for volumetric modeling, animation and deformation. Participants are provided with code samples covering important implementation details usually omitted in publications.Real-Time Volume Graphics10.2312/egt.20061064595-748