Nagai, YukieOhtake, YutakaSuzuki, Hiromasa2015-02-232015-02-2320091467-8659 propose a novel method for smoothing partition of unity (PU) implicit surfaces consisting of sets of non-conforming linear functions with spherical supports. We derive new discrete differential operators and Laplacian smoothing using a spherical covering of PU as a grid-like data structure. These new differential operators are applied to the smoothing of PU implicit surfaces. First, Laplacian smoothing is performed for the vector field defined by the gradient of the PU implicit surface, which is then updated to reflect the smoothing of the gradient field. This process achieves a method for noise robust surface reconstruction from scattered points.Smoothing of Partition of Unity Implicit Surfaces for Noise Robust Surface Reconstruction10.1111/j.1467-8659.2009.01511.x1339-1348