O'Connell, TheresaLi, ChuanjunMiller, Timothy S.Zeleznik, Robert C.Jr., Joseph J. LaViolaCindy Grimm and Joseph J. LaViola, Jr.2014-01-282014-01-282009978-3-905674-19-41812-3503https://doi.org/10.2312/SBM/SBM09/149-158AlgoSketch is a pen-based system for entering and editing mathematics. It supports interactive computation and early-stage mathematical algorithm design. In its paper-like environment, mathematical expressions can be en- tered anywhere on the page. Recognition and computational feedback are given in real time. We present results of a formative user evaluation of AlgoSketch, examining its applicability as a new interaction paradigm and users' overall experience with its mathematical entry, feedback, and computational support. Using a goal, question met- ric (GQM) framework, we evaluated AlgoSketch using efficiency, effectiveness, and satisfaction metrics. Logging data was supported by a post-questionnaire and anecdotal data. Results indicate acceptance of the AlgoSketch paradigm; strong potential for workplace utility, and a need for better mathematical expression recognition.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces-Evaluation/methodologyA Usability Evaluation of AlgoSketch: A Pen-Based Application for Mathematics