Subyen, PattarawutMaranan, DiegoSchiphorst, TheclaPasquier, PhilippeBartram, LynDouglas Cunningham and Tobias Isenberg2013-10-222013-10-222011978-1-4503-0908-01816-0859 paper describes the design of an interactive visualization prototype, called EMVIZ, that generates abstract expressive visual representations of human movement quality. The system produces dynamic visual representations of Laban Basic-Efforts which are derived from the rigorous framework of Laban Movement Analysis. Movement data is obtained from a real-time machine-learning system that applies Laban Movement Analysis to extract movement qualities from a moving body. EMVIZ maps the Laban Basic-Efforts to design rules, drawing parameters, and color palettes for creating visual representations that amplify audience ability to appreciate and differentiate between movement qualities. EMVIZ was demonstrated in a gallery context. The audience reported that the system produces evocative and meaningful visual representations of Laban Basic-Efforts. This paper describes the metaphoric mapping process used to design and implement the visualization system and discusses the aesthetics of the resulting visual style.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.5.5 [Pattern Recognition]: Implementation- Interactive systems; J.5 [Computer Applications]: Arts and Humanities-Arts, fine and performingEMVIZ: The Poetics of Movement Quality Visualization