Wallace, GrantChen, HanLi, KaiAndreas Kunz and Joachim Deisinger2014-01-272014-01-272003978-3-905674-06-41727-530Xhttps://doi.org/10.2312/EGVE/IPT_EGVE2003/293-302This paper presents a non-parametric full-gamut color matching algorithm. Color matching is important for the seamless appearance of tiled displays. In particular we address the case where the tiled display is composed of different types of projectors or DLP projectors with white enhancement. White enhancement produces a nonadditive color space that is difficult to model. We perform our calibration using an inexpensive colorimeter as opposed to a highly accurate spectroradiometer. Our results show that we can achieve good color balance with 1.47% variance between projectors. We present a method for applying this color gamut mapping in real-time on the newest commodity graphics cards.Color Gamut Matching for Tiled DisplayWalls