Hu, WeihuaZhu, JiejiePan, ZhigengLi, YanfengJu, Cunhui2015-11-122015-11-1220031017-4656 paper puts forward an idea that 3D virtual learning environment (3DVLE ) is an effective way to improve the feasibility of implementing constructivist learning theory in distance education. In this paper, we first give an outline of constructivist learning theory and analyze the relationship between 3DVLE and constructivist learning theory. Then we provide a learning and designing scheme on Web-based system. Finally, we briefly describe our 3DVLE system, present system architecture and some implementation considerations. The main goal of our system is to show the potential of designing constructivist virtual learning environment to enable an active, friendly learner-centered learning.Learning by doing: A Case for Constructivist 3D Virtual Learning Environment