Dutra, Joatan PreisEbel, Ivana RaquelJerome Perret and Valter Basso and Francesco Ferrise and Kaj Helin and Vincent Lepetit and James Ritchie and Christoph Runde and Mascha van der Voort and Gabriel Zachmann2014-12-172014-12-172014978-3-905674-76-7https://doi.org/10.2312/eurovr.20141349Cultural heritage contents are commonly offered by touristic mobile applications, but it is possible to explore deeper the subject and add AR elements to create an immersive approach. The adaptation of an art-oriented tool reveals some of the possibilities to display cultural heritage content in real case scenario without any large technical experience. It also presents the difficulties on dealing with historical content in a context-aware experience. The developed solutions from the cultural hARitage project, in two practical situations in distinct scenarios (Belgium and Greece) presents something more pragmatic, where it is empirically possible to validate some of the developed propositions and the opportunity to analyze the combination of AR and Cultural Heritage content.Categories and Subject DescriptorsH.5.1 [Multimedia Information Systems]Artificialaugmentedand virtual realitiesH.5.2 [User Interfaces]Graphical user interfaces (GUI)Interaction styles.Cultural hARitage: Augmented Reality applied on Cultural Heritage