Vega, FernandoSuÿner, GerdReuding, ThomasGreiner, GüntherDirk Reiners2016-02-172016-02-1720033-905673-53-3 visualization is an area which can greatly benefit from cluster computing due to the parallelizable nature of the rendering task. In order to implement this idea, we have developed a novel software architecture which allows the construction of parallel OpenInventor-based stereo applications. As a result of this work, we present the Open- Inventor Stereo Library for Clusters. The library provides tools to port transparently OpenInventor applications to stereo cluster-based OpenInventor applications. The distribution of the rendering tasks is encapsulated, and the developer does not have to take care of non-graphics-related tasks. Evaluation was carried out on a prototype cluster consisting of a master and two slave rendering Linux PCs. The resulting pair of stereo images was visualized with polarization-filter projector and glasses. A standard X desktop is available and multiple OpenInventor based windowed applications can be used simultaneously. The value of the present work was demonstrated with an example 3D-visualization application for the automotive industry.I.3.2 [Computer Graphics]Graphics SystemsDistributed Network GraphicsI.3.2 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismVirtual RealityC.2.4 [ComputerCommunication Networks]Distributed SystemsClient/ServerParallel Stereo Visualization For ClustersWith OpenInventor: A Case Study For The Automotive Industry10.2312/osg.20031414