Windhager, FlorianSchreder, GüntherMayr, EvaBujack, Roxana and Feige, Kathrin and Rink, Karsten and Zeckzer, Dirk2019-06-022019-06-022019978-3-03868-086-4 there ever was a model theme for information visualization, climate change arguably checks all the boxes. Omnipresent and relevant, yet abstract and statistical by nature, as well as invisible for the naked eye - climate change is a subject matter in need for perception and cognition support par excellence. Consequently, a large number of data journalists and science communicators utilize visual representations of climate change data to provide (a) information, and to (b) raise consciousness and encourage behavioral adaptation. Multiple design strategies have been developed to make the complex (non-)phenomenon accessible for visual perception and reasoning of public audiences. Despite of its obvious societal relevance, the visualization community has not had a systematic look at this nascent application field until now. With this paper we aim to close this gap and survey climate change visualizations to explore their design space. With specific regard to visualizations geared to inform non-expert users in the context of journalism and science communication, we analyze a sample of representations to document design choices and communication strategies, including options of persuasive and engaging design.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseHumancentered computingInformation visualizationGeneral and referenceSurveys and overviewsApplied computingEnvironmental sciencesOn Inconvenient Images: Exploring the Design Space of Engaging Climate Change Visualizations for Public Audiences10.2312/envirvis.201910981-8