Gu, FengJendersie, JohannesGrosch, ThorstenBeck, Fabian and Dachsbacher, Carsten and Sadlo, Filip2018-10-182018-10-182018978-3-03868-072-7 fast methods for constructing BVHs on the GPU only use the centroids of primitive bounding boxes and ignore the actual spatial extent of each primitive. We present a fast new way and a memory-efficient implementation to build a BVH from a loose octree for real-time ray tracing on fully dynamic scenes. Our memory-efficient implementation is an in-place method and generalizes the state-of-the-art parallel construction for LBVH to build the BVH from nodes of different levels.Fast and Dynamic Construction of Bounding Volume Hierarchies Based on Loose Octrees10.2312/vmv.2018125789-96