Almeida, Rui Nuno deDias, Miguel SalesMealha, Óscar and Madeira, Joaquim and Tércio, Daniel and Sousa Santos, Beatriz2021-06-182021-06-182021978-3-03868-153-3 paper presents a concept and a tool suite for authoring, configuring, organizing and displaying 3D virtual galleries, depicting multimedia content, like art, picture, movie or any other kind of media, which are appropriate for large scale immersive virtual environment such as the CAVE™. A comparison was established by the authors with standard PC environments, while experimenting virtual environments produced by Crystal Ball, showing the superior experience obtained by an installation of the type of CAVE™ that ins operation at Lousal, south of Portugal.3DVirtual RealityImmersive Virtual EnvironmentsOnline Virtual WorldsVirtual GalleriesCrystal Ball, Virtual Gallery C reation System for Immersive Environments10.2312/pt.2010116597-103