Lupinetti, KatiaBonino, BrigidaGiannini, Francamonti, marinaFusiello, Andrea and Bimber, Oliver2019-05-052019-05-0520191017-4656 poster presents a research aimed at supporting the browsing through the results of an assembly retrieval system by exploiting Virtual Reality technologies. To support the users' understanding during the assessing of the similarities of 3D assembly models, the proposed system exploits the three-dimensionality of the space to locate the retrieved models distributing them according to their dissimilarity to the model used as query. It also allows the users to interact with assemblies through voice and gesture commands, which resemble gestures well-established in touch user interfaces. Through them, users can see correspondences between assemblies, disassemble and re-assemble 3D digital models, such that it is possible a better inspection of the assembly components that is the first step for the development of systems allowing for their modifications and combinations.Information retrievalEvaluation of retrieval resultsUsers and interactive retrievalHuman computer interaction (HCI)Interaction techniquesVisualizationVisualization application domainsAssembly Retrieval Results Inspection in Immersive Environment10.2312/egp.201910427-8