Schneider, TeseoHormann, KaiFloater, Michael S.Yaron Lipman and Hao Zhang2015-02-282015-02-2820131467-8659 introduce the novel concept of composite barycentric mappings and give theoretical conditions under which they are guaranteed to be bijective. We then focus on mean value mappings and derive a simple procedure for computing their Jacobians, leading to an efficient GPU-assisted implementation for interactively designing composite mean value mappings which are bijective up to pixel resolution. We provide a number of examples of 2D image deformation and an example of 3D shape deformation based on a natural extension of the concept to spatial mappings.I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationLine and curve generation G.1.1 [Numerical Analysis]InterpolationInterpolation formulasBijective Composite Mean Value Mappings