Sá, Marco deCarriço, LuísDuarte, LuísCruz, DavidTorres, CátiaChambel, Teresa and Nunes, Nuno and Romao, Teresa and Creissac Campos, José2021-11-032021-11-032021978-3-03868-167-0https://doi.org/10.2312/pt.20061529https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/pt20061529This paper presents ScWiz, a framework that provides psychotherapists with means to tailor specific therapies for their patients. Used artifacts can be easily adapted to the patient's problem, to his evolution rhythm, therapy stage or even to possible filling in situations. Furthermore, the artifacts can be configured to pro actively adapt to the patient's behavior, according to previously defined rules, extending the therapist's motivating role. Besides it also enables deferred analysis of the patient's interaction and behavior with the therapy artifacts. The framework ranges from desktop computers, to mobile devices (e.g. PDAs and TabletPCs) covering the various therapeutic tasks for both patient and therapist. Special care was taken on the design stages, minimizing the intrusiveness of the solution and maximizing the simplicity of usage, particularly on the resulting patients' artifacts.Psychological diagnosisselftherapyPDAsTabletPCspatient/clinician interactionScWiz: Personalizing Psychotherapy10.2312/pt.2006152943-51