Desbrun, MathieuTsingos, NicolasGascuel, Marie-Paule2014-10-212014-10-2119961467-8659 paper presents a new adaptive sampling method for implicit surfaces that can be used in both interactive modelling and animation. The algorithm samples implicit objects composed of blending primitives and efficiently maintains this sampling over time, even when their topology changes (during fractures and fusions). It provides two complementary modes of immediate visualization: displaying"scales" lying on the surface, or a"primitive-wise" polygonization. The sampling method efficiently avoids unwanted blending between different parts of an object. Moreover, it can be used for partitioning an implicit surface into local bounding boxes that will accelerate collision detection during animation and ray-intersections during final rendering.Adaptive Sampling of Implicit Surfaces for Interactive Modelling and Animation10.1111/1467-8659.1550319319-325