Amorós-Tur, HoracioGarcía-Fernández, IgnacioMarco, JulioPatow, Gustavo2024-06-032024-06-032024978-3-03868-261-5 large-scale scenarios in video games, animation, and the VFX industry is inherently complex and time-consuming. As a consequence, procedural modelling of landscapes, either natural or generated by human activity, is a recurring topic in computer graphics. In this paper we propose a model for the growth of stalactites that is based on physical-chemical models. The model, which is presented here for 2D landscapes, is able to generate animations of the evolution of these speleothems along time. The resulting formations are consistent with the theoretical models and with observed speleothems, and provide realistic stalactite appearance in a cave ceiling.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies → Computer graphics; Shape modeling; Mesh models; Mesh geometry modelsCCS ConceptsComputing methodologies → Computer graphicsShape modelingMesh modelsMesh geometry modelsModelling and Animation of Stalactite Growth for Virtual Caves10.2312/ceig.202411454 pages