Pavie, NicolasGilet, GuillaumeDischler, Jean-MichelGalin, EricGhazanfarpour, DjamchidCagatay Turkay and Tao Ruan Wan2016-09-152016-09-152016978-3-03868-022-2- this paper, we present an extension of the Locally Controlled Spot Noise and a visualization pipeline for volumetric fuzzy details synthesis. We extend the noise model to author volumetric fuzzy details using filtered 3D quadratic kernel functions convolved with a projective non-uniform 2D distribution of impulses. We propose a new method based on order independent splatting to compute a fast view dependent approximation of shell noise at interactive rates. Our method outperforms ray marching techniques and avoids aliasing artifacts, thus improving interactive content authoring feedback. Moreover, generated surface details share the same properties as procedural noise: they extend on potentially infinite surfaces, are defined in an extremely compact way, are non-repetitive, continuous (no discrete voxel-artifacts when zooming) and independent of the definition of the underlying surface (no surface parameterization is required).I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]Picture/Image GenerationDisplay algorithmsI.3.5 [Computer Graphics]Computational Geometry and Object ModelingCurvesurfacesolidand object representationsI.3.7 [Computer Graphics]Three Dimensional Graphics and RealismColorshadingshadowingtexture Keywords Procedural texturingImage synthesisvolumetric visualizationprocedural noiseVolumetric Spot Noise for Procedural 3D Shell Texture Synthesis10.2312/cgvc.2016129333-40