Aupetit, MichaëlAllano, LorèneEspagnon, IsabelleSannie, GuillaumeJoern Kohlhammer and Daniel Keim2014-01-272014-01-272010978-3-905673-74-6 Eritr@c project is a European project aiming at developing an inspection system to control marine containers for illicit or dangerous materials. The system is made of a neutron generator, a set of sensors, and an information system to process the data. One of the main parts of the system is an interactive visualization interface whose goal is to help custom officers to decide if a container must be opened for deeper check of its content. In this paper, we present the components of this visual interface and their use for analytic reasoning.Categories and subject descriptors: multidimensional data; nonlinear mapping; multidimensional scaling; visual mining; visual classification; visual analyticsVisual Analytics to Check Marine Containers in the Eritr\@c Project