Darom, TalKeller, YosiM. Spagnuolo and M. Bronstein and A. Bronstein and A. Ferreira2013-09-242013-09-242012978-3-905674-36-11997-0463https://doi.org/10.2312/3DOR/3DOR12/059-062In this work we present an approach for matching three-dimensional mesh objects related by isometric transfor- mations and scaling. We propose to utilize the Scale invariant Scale-DoG detector and Local Depth SIFT mesh descriptor, to derive a statistical voting-based scheme to robustly estimate the scale ratio between the registered meshes. This paves the way to formulating a novel non-rigid mesh registration scheme, by matching sets of sparse salient feature points using spectral graph matching. The resulting approach is shown to compare favorably with previous state-of-the-art approaches in registering meshes related by partial alignment, while being a few orders of magnitude faster.Spectral Analysis Driven Sparse Matching of 3D Shapes