Lopez-Gulliver, RobertoYoshida, ShunsukeMakino, MaoYano, SumioAndo, HiroshiH. P. A. Lensch and S. Seipel2015-07-092015-07-092010https://doi.org/10.2312/egsh.20101044We propose gCubik+i as a new interactive platform that naturally interfaces a 3D display with a tabletop display. The proposed platform is suitable for group collaboration and it introduces two novel interaction paradigms to existing tabletop display applications: 1) natural switching between the shared working spaces of the table and the users hands; and 2) transforming static 2D images into interactive 3D images that can be viewed and manipulated as if holding a real object. This paper describes the conceptual design and prototype implementation of the gCubik+i platform along with a description of its 3D virtual aquarium application.gCubik+i Virtual 3D Aquarium: Interfacing a Graspable 3d Display with a Tabletop Display10.2312/egsh.2010104445-48