Meng, RuoyanAghayan, DavitPelanis, EgidijusEdwin, BjørnCheikh, Faouzi AlayaPalomar, RafaelHansen, ChristianProcter, JamesRenata G. RaidouJönsson, DanielHöllt, Thomas2023-09-192023-09-192023978-3-03868-216-52070-5786 of virtual resections plays a central role in computer-assisted liver surgery planning. The complexity of the liver's internal structures often leads to difficulties in its proper visualization during the positioning of virtual resections. Occlusions by vessels and tumors are common problems leading to non-preservation of resection margin, incorrect intersection with vessels, and resections. To overcome these challenges, we introduce Resectograms: a visualization approach based on 2D representations of virtual resections, which enable the visualization of information associated with surgical planning. These representations are presented as an additional 2D view displaying anatomical, functional, and risk-associated information extracted from the virtual resection in real-time. This view offers surgeons a simple and occlusion-free visualization of the virtual resection during surgical planning. Our pilot experiment with clinicians shows that the use of this visualization tool provides more information while planning virtual resections and has the potential to enhance confidence in accurate resection. The code repository and supplementary materials for this work is available at: 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Virtual reality; Human-centered computing -> Visualization techniques; Applied computing -> Life and medical sciencesComputing methodologiesVirtual realityHuman centered computingVisualization techniquesApplied computingLife and medical sciencesResectograms: Real-Time 2D Visualization of Liver Virtual Resections10.2312/vcbm.2023120923-275 pages