Oetelaar, TaylorFranco Niccolucci and Matteo Dellepiane and Sebastian Pena Serna and Holly Rushmeier and Luc Van Gool2013-10-312013-10-312011978-3-905673-86-9https://doi.org/10.2312/PE/VAST/VAST11S/033-036This paper provides an overview of the digital restoration process of Rome's Baths of Caracalla using the parametric CAD package, SolidWorks. It will outline the major hurdles, their solutions, and benefits of the process as well as a brief case study on the reconstruction of the window glazing.Categories and Subject Descriptors: I.3.5 [Computer Graphics]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling Curve, surface, solid, and object representationsReconstructing the Baths of Caracalla