Sheng, BinJin, YuxiLi, PingWang, WenxiaoFu, HongboWu, EnhuaFu, Hongbo and Ghosh, Abhijeet and Kopf, Johannes2018-10-072018-10-072018978-3-03868-073-4 people tend to build relationship with others by personal photography, capturing high quality photographs on mobile device has become a strong demand. We propose a portrait photography guidance system to guide user's photographing. We consider current scene image as our input and find professional photograph examples with similar aesthetic features for it. Deep residual network is introduced to gather scene classification information and represent common photograph rules by features, and random forest is adopted to establishing mapping relations between extracted features and examples. Besides, we implement our guidance system on a camera application and evaluate it by user study.Computing methodologiesImage manipulationImage processingApplied computingArts and humanitiesInspireMePosing: Learn Pose and Composition from Portrait Examples10.2312/pg.2018127433-35