Alharbi, NaifAlharbi, MohammadMartinez, XavierKrone, MichaelRose, Alexander S.Baaden, MarcLaramee, Robert S.Chavent, MatthieuBarbora Kozlikova and Tobias Schreck and Thomas Wischgoll2017-06-122017-06-122017978-3-03868-043-7 for computational biology have been developing for over 50 years. With recent advances in both computational biology and computer graphics techniques, these fields have witnessed rapid technological advances in the last decade. Thus, coping with the large number of scientific articles from both fields is a challenging task. Furthermore, there remains a gap between the two communities of visualization and computational biology, resulting in additional challenges to bridge the divide. A team of computational biology and visualization scientists attempts to address these challenges by presenting unified state-of-the-art reviews from both communities. We apply a variety of data-driven analysis to highlight links or differences between studies from both communities. This approach facilitates the identification of present and future challenges in visualizing and analyzing computational biology data. It offers a distinctive step forward in managing the literature on visualization of molecular dynamics and related simulation approaches.Humancentered computing>Visualization>Visualization application domains! Scientific visualizationMolecular Visualization of Computational Biology Data: A Survey of Surveys10.2312/eurovisshort.20171146133-137