Ramos, J. A. MateosGonzález-Morcillo, C.Fernández, D. VallejoLópez-López, L. M.Carlos Andujar and Javier Lluch2014-01-272014-01-272009978-3-905673-72-2https://doi.org/10.2312/LocalChapterEvents/CEIG/CEIG09/227-230Abstract Yafrid-NG is a peer to peer architecture and a set of protocols which reduces the time spent in the rendering phase by making use of a set of heterogeneous computers, distributed over the Internet, which will supply some of their resources for rendering 3D scenes. The system is completely decentralized and it takes advantage of p2p networks. The set of protocols needed for transferring files, the rendering process, and the results recovery and composition are also defined. Yafrid-NG is specifically designed for physically based rendering methods and the division of the work is optimized for that. We make use of a mechanism based on the scene properties to balance the complexity of the work units. Experimental results are presented to illustrate the benefits of using Yafrid-NG.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.2]: Distributed/network graphics - Computer Graphics [I.3.3]: Paralell processing - Computer Graphics [I.3.7]: RaytracingYafrid-NG: A Peer to peer Architecture for Physically Based Rendering