Bletterer, ArnaudPayan, FrédéricAntonini, MarcPelechano, NuriaVanderhaeghe, David2022-04-222022-04-222022978-3-03868-169-41017-4656 present an original algorithm to construct Voronoi tessellations on surfaces from a set of depth maps. Based on a local graphbased structure, where each local graph spans one depth map, our algorithm is able to compute partial Voronoi diagrams (one per scan), and then to merge/update them into a single and globally consistent Voronoi diagram. Our first results show that this algorithm is particularly promising for improving the sampling quality of massive point clouds or for reconstructing very large-scale scenes, with low and manageable memory consumption.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Point-based models; Parametric curve and surface modelsComputing methodologiesPointbased modelsParametric curve and surface modelsGraph-based Computation of Voronoi Diagrams on Large-scale Point-based Surfaces10.2312/egs.2022103049-524 pages