Grundland, MarkVohra, RahulWilliams, Gareth P.Dodgson, Neil A.2015-02-212015-02-2120061467-8659 interpolation is the standard image blending method used in image compositing. By averaging in the dynamic range, it reduces contrast and visibly degrades the quality of composite imagery. We demonstrate how to correct linear interpolation to resolve this longstanding problem. To provide visually meaningful, high level control over the compositing process, we introduce three novel image blending operators that are designed to preserve key visual characteristics of their inputs. Our contrast preserving method applies a linear color mapping to recover the contrast lost due to linear interpolation. Our salience preserving method retains the most informative regions of the input images by balancing their relative opacity with their relative saliency. Our color preserving method extends homomorphic image processing by establishing an isomorphism between the image colors and the real numbers, allowing any mathematical operation defined on real numbers to be applied to colors without losing its algebraic properties or mapping colors out of gamut. These approaches to image blending have artistic uses in image editing and video production as well as technical applications such as image morphing and mipmapping.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image GenerationCross Dissolve Without Cross Fade: Preserving Contrast, Color and Salience in Image Compositing10.1111/j.1467-8659.2006.00977.x577-586