Ortega, Lidia M.García-Fernández, Ángel-LuisLópez, José-LuisCalzado, AlbertoSpagnuolo, Michela and Melero, Francisco Javier2020-11-172020-11-172020978-3-03868-110-62312-6124https://doi.org/10.2312/gch.20201286https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/gch20201286The extraction of artifacts during the excavation of an archaeological site usually implies the loss of spatial references among the extracted vestiges. In this work we introduce a way to compute spatial relationships among the finds in an excavation, as well as a method for accessing the information on the database through the virtual 3D representation of an archaeological site. The spatial relationships are encoded in the database using the Dimensionally Extended Nine-Intersection Model (DE-9IM).Information systemsSpatialtemporal systemsHuman centered computingGraphical user interfacesInformation visualizationInteraction with 3D Models on Virtual Archaeological Sites10.2312/gch.202012865-8