Chen, DanChiang, Yi-JenMemon, NasirWu, XiaolinBeatriz Sousa Santos and Thomas Ertl and Ken Joy2014-01-312014-01-3120063-905673-31-21727-5296 this paper we investigate the problem of lossless geometry compression of irregular-grid volume data represented as a tetrahedral mesh. We propose a novel lossless compression technique that effectively predicts, models, and encodes geometry data for both steady-state (i.e., with only a single time step) and time-varying datasets. Our geometry coder is truly lossless and also does not need any connectivity information. Moreover, it can be easily integrated with a class of the best existing connectivity compression techniques for tetrahedral meshes with a small amount of overhead information. We present experimental results which show that our technique achieves superior compression ratios, with reasonable encoding times and fast (linear) decoding times.Lossless Geometry Compression for Steady-State and Time-Varying Irregular Grids