Lutz, NicolasSauvage, BasileDischler, Jean-MichelMyszkowski, KarolNiessner, Matthias2023-05-032023-05-0320231467-8659 aperiodic tilings are popular texture synthesis techniques that allow a fast, on-the-fly generation of unbounded and non-periodic textures with an appearance matching an arbitrary input sample called the ''exemplar''. But by relying on uniform random sampling, these algorithms fail to preserve the autocovariance function, resulting in correlations that do not match the ones in the exemplar. The output can then be perceived as excessively random. In this work, we present a new method which can well preserve the autocovariance function of the exemplar. It consists in fetching contents with an importance sampler taking the explicit autocovariance function as the probability density function (pdf) of the sampler. Our method can be controlled for increasing or decreasing the randomness aspect of the texture. Besides significantly improving synthesis quality for classes of textures characterized by pronounced autocovariance functions, we moreover propose a real-time tiling and blending scheme that permits the generation of high-quality textures faster than former algorithms with minimal downsides by reducing the number of texture fetches.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies -> Rendering; TexturingComputing methodologiesRenderingTexturingPreserving the Autocovariance of Texture Tilings Using Importance Sampling10.1111/cgf.14766347-35812 pages