Burkus, ViktóriaKárpáti, AttilaKlár, GergelySzécsi, LászlóPelechano, NuriaVanderhaeghe, David2022-04-222022-04-222022978-3-03868-169-41017-4656https://doi.org/10.2312/egs.20221038https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/egs20221038In this paper we present an approach to couple PBD simulation of deformable porous objects with SPH. We propose solutions for simulating the absorption and discharge of fluid by the sponge, and the effect of the fluid on sponge behaviour. We maintain the ability of the original approaches to handle interactions with rigid bodies. Our solution, like PBD in general, is less geared towards physical accuracy, but aims for real-time, visually plausible simulation of these systems, appropriate for interactive VR applications and games.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseCCS Concepts: Computing methodologies --> Physical simulation; Real-time simulationComputing methodologiesPhysical simulationRealtime simulationReal-time Sponge and Fluid Simulation10.2312/egs.2022103881-844 pages