Kaltheuner, JulianBode, LukasKlein, ReinhardAndres, Bjoern and Campen, Marcel and Sedlmair, Michael2021-09-252021-09-252021978-3-03868-161-8https://doi.org/10.2312/vmv.20211372https://diglib.eg.org:443/handle/10.2312/vmv20211372In this work, we adapt and improve recent isotropic material estimation efforts to estimate spatially varying anisotropic materials with an additional Fresnel term using a variable set of input images and are able to handle any resolution. We combine an initial estimation network with an auto-encoder to fine-tune the decoding of latent embedded appearance parameters on the input images to produce finely detailed SVBRDFs. For this purpose, the training must be adapted so that the determination is possible on the basis of a small number of images that still capture as much reflective behavior of materials as possible. The resulting appearance parameters are capable of capturing and reconstructing complex spatially varying features in detail, but place increased demands on the input images.Computing methodologiesReflectance modelingCapturing Anisotropic SVBRDFs10.2312/vmv.2021137263-70