Lamp, Frederik JørgensenMøller, Jakob BlaabjergSørensen, Esben BayWalsh, GarethKusnick, JakobJänicke, StefanTominski, ChristianWaldner, ManuelaWang, Bei2024-05-172024-05-172024978-3-03868-251-6 adequately prepare for Denmark's future green transition of the energy market, analysts require sophisticated tools to explore the historical development and current state of the power infrastructure, in particular the wind power network, which has become Denmark's most important energy source. Such analyses require identifying and assessing the performance of wind turbines in terms of size, age, location, and manufacturer for replacement, repair, and extension purposes. Visualization tools performing such trend analyses of wind turbines according to these parameters are scarce. Addressing this shortcoming, we present the Danish Wind Power Analytics Tool (DWPAT). It uses data from the Danish Energy Agency to offer interactive visual representations of the geospatial distribution of wind turbines in Denmark based on various criteria such as manufacturer, municipality, and installation type. DWPAT provides comprehensive insights into wind energy production and enables direct comparisons between specific wind turbines and numerous other analytical characteristics to support the decision-making process of stakeholders in industry, federal and state governments, and research.Attribution 4.0 International LicenseVisual Analysis of Wind Turbines in Denmark10.2312/evs.202410645 pages