Jung, YvonneRettig, AlexanderKlar, OliverLehr, TimoMike Chantler2016-02-112016-02-1120053-905673-57-6https://doi.org/10.2312/vvg.20051031We present a method for realistic rendering and simulation of human hair in real-time, which is suitable for the use in complex virtual reality applications. Neighbouring hairs are combined into wisps and animated with our cantilever beam based simulation system, which runs numerically stable and with interactive update rates. The rendering algorithm utilizes latest graphics hardware features and can even handle light coloured hair by including anisotropic reflection and internal transmission.I.3.7 [Three Dimensional Graphics and Realism]AnimationColorshadingshadowingand textureVirtual realityRealistic Real-Time Hair Simulation and Rendering10.2312/vvg.20051031229-236