Volker Coors2015-01-212015-01-212003https://diglib.eg.org/handle/10.2312/8158The aim of this thesis was to eliminate essential deficits in the use of previous 3D GIS in an openly distributed GIS infrastructure. The increasing availability of three-dimensional city models poses a special problem, because previous GIS were not able to use such a database sensibly. An additional difficulty occurs in computer graphical representations, where problems exist when generating a meaningful, interactive, three-dimensional presentation of these large models in a heterogeneous network environment. The use of three-dimensional geodata in new applications like Location Based Services is only feasible when these basic technical problems are solved. This chapter recapitulates the results of the thesis and their significance for GIS research and summarizes the applications. The perspective on future work in this research field is developed subsequently.application/pdfGraphical Abstraction and Progressive Transmission in Internet-based 3DGeoinformationsystemsText.PhDThesis