McKenzie, AlexanderLombeyda, Santiago V.Desbrun, MathieuKen Brodlie and David Duke and Ken Joy2014-01-312014-01-3120053-905673-19-31727-5296 computing is an increasingly crucial component of research in various disciplines. Despite its potential, exploration of the results is an often laborious task, owing to excessively large and verbose datasets output by typical simulation runs. Several approaches have been proposed to analyze, classify, and simplify such data to facilitate an informative visualization and deeper understanding of the underlying system. However, traditional methods leave much room for improvement. In this article we investigate the visualization of large vector fields, departing from accustomed processing algorithms by casting vector field simplification as a variational partitioning problem. Adopting an iterative strategy, we introduce the notion of vector "proxies" to minimize the distortion error of our simplification by clustering the dataset into multiple best-fitting characteristic regions. This error driven approach can be performed with respect to various similarity metrics, offering a convenient set of tools to design clear and succinct representations of high dimensional datasets. We illustrate the bene fits of such tools through visualization experiments of three-dimensional vector fields.Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.0 [Computer Graphics]: Flow VisualizationVector Field Analysis and Visualization through Variational Clustering